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From the desk of Alistair Stevenson – psychologist/the /business trainer and stress expert comes: The Calm Curriculum Re: Kill your stress habit… Not Yourself!

Still here? Good. Then you are one of the lucky ones. You have the right at ude for me to work with you.

I have read, listened and taken part in many training programs and I’ve found countless flaws, gaps and mistakes in other stress management courses.

They mostly contain crucial problems which are holding people back from successful stress management and they only concentrate on one aspect. I’ve spent literally thousands on my education and stress management products so that you don’t have to.

Everyone knows they should reduce their stress levels. I mean, the list of stress related problems reads like the recipe for a global epidemic of destruction and if we, as a species, don’t take personal responsibility now, it will be too late for humanity!

Okay, I hear what you’re saying. You know that you should lose the stress, but you just can’t!

People keep telling you to calm down or don’t worry but how do you do that? there is no instruction manual for the brain.

You ume that if it was EASY then why would millions of unhappy people stress out, killing themselves, across the planet?

I have dedicated so much of my spare time developing the perfect system to kick anxiety, stress and worry from your life, this, of course, has been a personal journey for me.

We’re constantly being told by industry leaders, doctors and psychologists, that stress is making businesses lose money, majorly effecting health at epidemic proportions – and it`s getting worse!!

If you believe that relaxing and thinking differently is difficult, then I am here to tell you that you are WRONG. No offence, but you are.

Well, not exactly wrong, but misinformed and uneducated. You believe a myth which has been circulating virtually since the world came into existence.

"But I tried to take time and learn to relax before but it’s just so difficult and takes too much time". You hear it all the time, right?

That rumour is spreading across the world like a record breaking game of Chinese whispers… It becomes more and more widely believed with every second! Stress is a part of life, working hard leads to stress.

That’s right! Thanks to a GLOBAL MISUNDERSTANDING about stress, everyone thinks their 1 method, their 1 therapy, is the best – almost like a religion. But what we all need is a combination of many therapies and easy lifestyle changes, to help us lose the stress. Just relaxing is good, but not good enough. You can’t work and deal with problems in a hypnotic trance all the time. Just CBT is good, but not good enough. Most prac ioners don’t explain it properly and people don’t do it right. Healthy eating is good, but not good enough. The evidence is contradictory. The talking therapies take time and seem to bring up the past that is, sometimes, best forgotten. NLP is good, but not good enough and not for everyone, it needs good imagination. I could go on and on.

You see, all of these "solutions" have mega-flaws in them. So, I made it my mission to find the one perfect system. The "Holy Grail" of stress management programmes. It became an obsession. An unhealthy obsession for health! We all need a curriculum of stress management ideas that work together, easily and effectively.

After 3 years of extensive trials, working with and talking to hundreds of successful people who have reduced stress (with around a 95% success rate) and lots of research and development, I’ve finally succeeded. I’ve put the finishing touches to the mother of all stress management therapy courses. This is equal to 6 months of therapy.

Weaved in amongst my packed schedule, I’ve been presenting stress management seminars, and working privately with one-on-one clients, to test every tiny detail of this system.

I realise that not everyone can afford to book a session with me. My waiting list is getting pretty hefty – now that I limit the amount of clients I see on a weekly basis!

‘A Revolutionary 6-Part Stress Management Programme which will change your relationship with stress and give you your life back. A quick, easy, stress-free & life-long program that will change everything!’

This book guides you through what is stress, how it effects you and many simple, stress management techniques a step-by-step system to completely un-programme your worrying habit. I’ll also teach you important facts that you MUST know if you’re going to reduce stress in your life.

These audio tracks are designed to be listened to on an MP3 or personal CD player… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Sunday, September 21, 2014

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