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I’ve been doing online dating for years with no luck and nothing but winks from fat chicks. After applying your techniques to the subject line of my email yesterday, I sent out 12 emails to the hottest girls I could find and I’ve already gotten 7 responses and lined up 2 dates. Thank you so much!
Do you like the idea of online dating, where you can click browse and look at all the women and choose the ones you want just like you’re ordering from a catalog?
You can sit down in front of your computer any time you want and start emailing all kinds of hot women, start chatting back and forth with them.
You can go on date after date with very attractive women whenever you want, meeting them all from the comfort of your own personal computer.
You log on to the computer and put up what you think is a good profile online, with what you think are your best pictures and start emailing.
You spend time searching for women you are attracted to and email a few of them only to get NO RESPONSE at all.
OR maybe you exchange an email or two with a few women, but the conversations never lead to hot dates and they just fizzle out before anything happens.
Or you keep getting emails and winks from girls that you would never want to be seen in public with let alone date.
Beautiful women are bombarded by responses from boring, needy, lame, and predictable guys. For an attractive woman it is common for them to get dozens of responses from men every day. Emails like…
This is good news for you because I am going to let you in on a secret that makes achieving success with women online easy.
1. You MUST byp the clutter and stand out from the crowd 2. You need to find a system that works for you, and keep using it
Usually they are short one line emails and needy guys asking to buy her. Go ahead and set up a female profile with an attractive photo and see for yourself.
You will be amazed at how predictable and mundane the emails are. You will actually start to feel MORE CONFIDENT after reading them.
The key thing to take away is that all the emails are SIMILAR. Take note of this and DON’T DO what all those guys are doing!
Once you know what not to do, it is easy to develop a SYSTEM that works extremely consistently to get the attention of the girls you want and to go on dates with them.
Don’t be the guy that does the same old same old and just fits in with the pack. Stand out from the crowd. You must do something very different and then you will get the girl.
Naturally this led me discover internet dating, with the idea that there is a place where you can have an unlimited supply of women you can practice on rejection-free any time during the day.
I thought it was a no brainer, all the women in the world at your finger tips! Boy was I wrong starting off.
At first it was really tough. I couldn’t even get the girls to open my emails let alone answer me. It was painful and I almost gave up many times.
I decided that I needed to make a system out of online dating so I could test everything till I began to figure out things that worked.
Things like writing an absurdly long headline and making women take tests. Over time I began to streamline my skills keeping what worked and throwing out what didn’t.
After months of non-stop emailing, I had developed an extremely rough framework for my online system. Testing and testing again, I was determined to get it right, and I did.
Finally my hard work had paid off: I had my first internet date and we ended up meeting and having that very same night. I was stoked to say the least and it inspired me to continue my work even harder.
I started to solidify my system and began seeing patterns and taking notes. Before I knew what was going on I was getting more phone numbers then I had time to call. I had new dates every weekend, at the time it was unreal to me.
I showed my good friends some techniques and they began to get better responses too. I was amazed and that’s when I knew I had something special going on.
I set to work creating my masterpiece tweaking my profile so eventually I didn’t need to worry about emailing girls. Instead they would… Read more…
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