Crush Social Anxiety

Crush Social Anxiety
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Well, it’s completely true and in just a minute I’ll tell how you can make it your own reality too.

Let’s face it, being shy . When you’re suffering from shyness or even social anxiety, it can really make you feel like you can’t enjoy everything life has to offer.

Without a healthy social life, your soul starts to feel… well, starved. Like you’re constantly hungry for the type of emotional bond that’s naturally found between great friends.

And when you feel that way… well, it’s frustrating. You want to be able to join in the conversation at work or school but every time you start to speak, you feel the words catch in your throat and nothing comes out.

You want to be able to meet new people and develop new friendships but you’re not sure how. And even current friends… well, it would be great if you were the first person they called when they were looking to hangout.

Hi, my name is Chris Chandra and at the risk of sounding like I’m bragging, I have the type of social life most guys would love to have.

To be honest, if it wasn’t my own life, I’d think it was complete fiction. Sometimes I literally have to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming.

You see, I have a large circle of friends who frequently call me when they’re looking to party, head out for a new adventure, or just hang out. People throwing parties have even called me to schedule their event based on my schedule (pretty crazy, huh?) because they know more people will come to their party if I’m there.

And women… well, they frequently go out of their way to talk to me even though I’m not the most buff or good-looking guy around.

Here’s a picture of me hanging out with my good friend Mary who was recently crowned Miss Asia Canada. (I’ll tell you more about Mary in a minute.)

In fact, I used to be painfully shy. Like never leave the house to go anywhere level of shy. So I’m not kidding when I say that I was once where many guys are right now.

You see, I grew up in an abusive household as an only child. As a kid, I would say my self-confidence was pretty low but that wouldn’t be completely honest. The painful truth was my self-confidence was practically non-existent then.

I would be so uncomfortable that I’d avoid talking to anybody. If someone else actually tried to talk to me, well I’d freeze up. I’d literally open my mouth, feel the words catch my throat, and nothing would come out. It was humiliating.

They thought I was trying to embarr them. As soon we’d get home, I’d get punished which only made my social anxiety even worse.

I just figured I was just a guy born with an unclimbable mountain of anxiety, insecurities, painful shyness, and an absolute lack of good social skills. I figured that’s who I was and there was nothing I could ever do about it.

Maybe the stars were perfectly aligned or something but I met a guy who was willing to be a great friend. I’ll call him Mark to protect his privacy.

Mark was an alpha dog. The kind of guy who could things that no other guy I’ve ever met could do socially.

He would literally walk into a bar where he didn’t know a soul and strike up a conversation. Mark would arrive at a party and within minutes people would be talking with him and inviting them to their next party.

But here’s what he did have: An unbelievable ability to be social and friendly with anyone anywhere and at any time.

Mark made a huge difference in my life because he was willing to take me wherever he went. By watching Mark in action, I started realize what I was doing wrong.

I realized what I needed to do differently, and thanks to Mark’s influence, I got myself pointed in the right direction.

People started inviting me to their parties. Some of them even tried to schedule their events around my schedule. It seemed like every party I went to, I’d met new people who had heard about me and couldn’t wait to meet me.

I was starting to really enjoy my newfound skills, when I met Mary in one of my university cl es. Quite simply, she was one of the hottest girls on campus and had already started doing some professional modeling.

But as strange as it may sound, Mary was also one of the coolest people I ever met and quickly became one of my closest friends.

After we both finished college, she kept in touch. About a… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Thursday, September 11, 2014

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