Joe Vitale and Steve G. Jones’ Wealth Trigger

Joe Vitale and Steve G. Jones' Wealth Trigger
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Do you ever wonder how some people seem to virtually stumble onto wealth and lucrative opportunities while you work hard, pay your dues and still can’t seem to catch a break no matter how hard you try?

Are you beginning to think that perhaps this life of abundance that so many people seem to effortlessly attract is just not in the cards for you?

Perhaps you’ve even thought that wealth and money are only for a select group of people and – for whatever reason – the Universe, the Divine or Infinite Intelligence just doesn’t want you in that group?

If you’ve answered yes to anyone of these questions (or can relate to these thoughts) then this might be the most important letter you ever read about money and wealth.

Before we go any further, I want to make sure you’re in the right place as I don’t want to waste your time.

What I’m going to share with you here isn’t going to help you lose weight, overcome fear, build confidence or have better relationships (although much of that may happen as a result of what you’ll learn).

What you are going to learn are the three most powerful secrets you could ever know about attracting wealth, money and abundance.

So if that’s what you want and what you feel is going to give you the life that you truly desire, then fasten your seat belt because these three secrets WILL make you rich and financially free just as they have for me and countless others all over the world.

These secrets are not theories or "myths" about what I THINK works. They are time-tested, proven steps (that when combined in a certain way) WILL result in more wealth, money, riches and financial freedom than you could ever imagine.

It doesn’t even matter if you’re dead broke and have done nothing but screw up any opportunity you’ve ever had until this point.

In fact, the worse off your previous track record with money is, the more excited I am to introduce this to you.

My name is Joe Vitale and you may have seen me in the hit movie "The Secret" or on Larry King Live or perhaps you’ve read one of the 50 plus books that I’ve written.

Attracting wealth (and just about anything else a person could desire) is something that I have been teaching people for over 20 years.

In fact, there was a time where I was actually homeless; wondering if the day would ever come where I would join the elite group of people who seem to have all the luck when it came to money.

Have you ever noticed how some people can smoke or drink alcohol virtually their entire life and live to be 100 years old whereas others – who exercise and eat healthy – get diseases like cancer and die before they reach 40? 

Or how about how some people get every virus that breaks out even though they take the right precautionary steps while others never get a single infection even though they never get vaccinated?

Or – since we’re talking about money and wealth – how some people work hard, save their money, set goals, visualize, practice the Law of Attraction and still remain as broke as ever while other people – who are lazy and unmotivated have money pouring in from every angle.

And the phenomenon behind why this happens has to do with the first secret that I’m going to reveal here.

Cellular memory (as the name implies) is basically the memory that resides inside the cells within the body.

This memory (like any other) stores reserves of information related to past experiences which can be both positive and negative.

The problem is that if a cell decides to store a memory from a negative experience, it will cause an undesirable effect which usually manifests itself as a block.

This is often the reason why someone who beats cancer will experience a relapse. In fact, this is true of any other type of disease or ailment.

Take addiction for example. How many times have you seen or heard of a person overcoming an addiction (of any sort) only to become addicted again?

It doesn’t even matter if they had been addiction free for 10 years; it still finds away to come back again. What’s really taking place is a relapse of memory within the cell that is causing a reaction within the body.

This means that cellular memory can affect your body physically in the form of sickness or disease as well as metaphysically through things you attract like relationships or wealth. 

So to put it simply, if you can’t seem to make money or attract wealth (no matter how hard you try) it’s because your cellular memory is forming a block… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Wednesday, September 17, 2014

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