Bankruptcy Mortgage Book

Bankruptcy Mortgage Book
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The mortgage industry is in meltdown mode and anyone with ANY type of credit is going to feel the heat. Banks and lenders have tightened loan approvals stiffer than Scrooge’s money box. If you don’t know how this new system works, you can kiss the dream of home ownership goodbye.

If you answered yes to any of those questions… YOU need "The Bankruptcy Mortgage Book"

This is the ONLY book on the market dedicated exclusively to helping anyone that has had a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or other credit challenge to make the transition to getting a mortgage approval by spelling out the step by step process of getting the bank to approve your loan.

In The Bankruptcy Mortgage Book, we show YOU how home ownership after bankruptcy CAN HAPPEN.  Here is what’s inside: RECOVER YOUR GOOD CREDIT RATING – Just follow this  SIMPLE step by step plan (you’ll even get the actual letters to do that trick) BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE – why its important, what happens afterwards and how long it can remain on your credit report. GETTING CREDIT BUREAUS TO TOE THE LINE – How to get them to report just the facts — not the fiction. SCAN FREE MORTGAGE – After bankruptcy, the vultures seem to drop in out of the blue. Learn the dirty tricks they have planned for you and how to avoid them — NEVER GET RIPPED OFF AGAIN! ESTABLISHING NEW CREDIT  – Discover how (even after bankruptcy) you can establish alternative forms of credit. and MUCH MORE…

You will get valuable "insider" mortgage industry information.  You get a  SIMPLE plan for using that information to get a mortgage and become a home owner.

"I have been in the mortgage industry for more than 28 years and while I never contemplated Bankruptcy, I have isted numerous individuals who have and were enrolled in my credit restoration program. Over the years, I have reviewed a number of books on this subject matter attempting to explain this subject. However, no other book can hold a candle to The Bankruptcy Mortgage Book which explains in detail first hand the procedure to improving your credit in preparation for applying for a home mortgage." Michael W. Schneiderman Advanced Mortgage Solutions

Invest $10.00 NOW and take the next step to getting your mortgage APPROVED.  You will receive an immediate download of the electronic version of this book.  Purchase NOW and receive an Action Plan to prepare you to get approved for your mortgage.  You will learn the most critical steps to take when transitioning from bankrupt to homeowner.

100% Money Back Guarantee! Buy the book, read it, use it, learn to save money from it.  If you are in any way unhappy with your purchase within 45 days of your purchase, we will refund your money. Please allow up to 7 days for your refund. (electronic version only)

BONUS #1 - A Bonus Chapter is included in the book on Iden y Theft.  Did you know that Iden y Theft is the fastest growing crime in North America AND it has caused several people to have to file bankruptcy due to their inability to restore their credit after becoming an Iden y Theft victim? BONUS #2 – A FREE Action Guide to direct you to the steps you need to take over the next several months to expedite your mortgage approval. BONUS #3 – Credit Monitoring, Credit Scoring, and Credit Repair Resources. Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Sunday, September 21, 2014

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