You Will Never Change Your Life Until You Change Your Routine…

You Will Never Change Your Life Until You Change Your Routine...
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Contrary to what you may believe, reading a library full of books and attending a lifetime of seminars that teach you how to change and experience more success in your life, has very little to do with the actual process of creating changes in your life!

There’s a reason they’re the best in the world, and natural talent is just a small part of it. Ask any of them, and they’ll tell you that this is their ‘secret weapon’ for achieving world-cl results.

This is how you create real, lasting change (more clarity, more action, and awesome results) in any area of your life. And the great things is, it happens naturally and intuitively, due to subtle shifts in your thinking and behavior.

This means that if you have a desire for excellence – to grow and improve, take more action, and get awesome results – in any area of your life, then every day you’re going to have to do things different than what you’re doing right now.

So let’s talk about why, despite a lot of time and effort you probably spend trying do this, positive changes like this seems so hard to achieve (there is a reason), then I want to walk you through a simple 7-Step process for creating this kind of change using something I call a Clarity Map, which we’ll talk about in a little more detail shortly.

Chances are, like most people, you have a strong desire to change and improve some area of your life or business for the better (you want to feel and see success in your life more often than you do now).

That’s because, when it comes to creating real, lasting changes in your life, this process doesn’t work – ever!

You see, you may have read a lot of books, etc. – you may have a lot of knowledge – but knowledge isn’t enough!

While the entire quote reveals an important truth, notice the last 2 words in the first sentence of that quote: repeatedly and do.

This is what a daily success routine is all about – combining the knowledge, skills and actions that promote excellence, and getting you to repeatedly do something with them, on a daily basis.

Not only do you have to think when and how to do it, but also all the elements that it should include:

There are all these great ideas about how to get clear, take more action, and get awesome results, but they’re tered all over the place.

I hacked together some different ‘solutions’ that consisted of Post-It notes, lists, and calendar reminders that I thought were good enough, but the problem was that I still felt like everything was largely tered and disorganized, and I knew there had to be a better way.

When you can see the whole process of how something works, and how all the pieces fit together to create a result – which is one important thing that a good system does – then your brain believes it can be done, and that makes it substantially easier for you to do.

Armed with this knowledge, I began thinking about a whole lot of ways I could benefit by creating and using systems in my life and business.

I thought about systems for managing projects that I work on, I thought about systems for managing my money, and even thought about systems for how to plan meals and go to the grocery store. I was crazy about systems!

And then one day I realized that, a daily success routine, as I described earlier, was the perfect idea to develop into a system if there ever was one.

The first step toward creating a daily success system was to define the goals of the system – what was its purpose, what elements did it need to include, and how did it need to work.

In a nutshell, it works due to the power of immersion, which totally engages your thinking and actions in a way that has a subtle, but profound transforming effect on you over time.

After watching the walkthrough video, what kind of results do you think you would see if you were to do The Day Launcher process on a daily basis?

Isn’t true that when you look at anything you’re really good at at doing, that the thinking, actions, and results that make it possible for you to do it so well came about because you practiced something on a consistent, regular basis?

Your routine is what changed you – changed your abilities, and changed what it was possible for you to do.

Then doesn’t it make sense that when it comes to making positive changes that will turn you into a more successful person – or a person of excellence – that a daily success routine is essential? Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Tuesday, September 23, 2014

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