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You may use most of the same powerful tactics used by by banks, Fortune 500, Wall Street insiders and city governments. These sophisticated bankruptcy tools are available to anyone who truly wants to live debt free. You may use bankruptcy Chapter 7 or bankruptcy Chapter 13. You may use one or or more of many other options. Once you know what to do, fast, safe and profitable results are easily within your grasp.
My name is Dave Clark and I want you to know that your current financial situation is merely a starting point. You should not dread the Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy means test. In fact, you can use this tool for a decisive advantage.
My 2014 Bankruptcy Strategies Manual will show you exactly how you too can beat the means test and wipe out your debts.
You have an amazing variety of options provided by law. You have easy alternatives for cutting credit card payments in half without filing bankruptcy. You have extremely powerful and unquestionable rights provided by the US Bankruptcy Code that no creditor can deny.
You may be able to stop making credit card payments today. You could wipe out all debts in less than four months with personal bankruptcy and keep everything you own.
Use your options wisely. Consequences follow. I want you to know how to win with little risk and great rewards. I want you to know how, when and why you may choose to change the results of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test. These same techniques are equally advantageous if choosing Chapter 13.
I invite you to consider a proven over-arching strategy to resolve financial problems. You may or may not be best served by filing personal bankruptcy. I believe everyone should seek and demand a beautiful solution that protects you, your family and the ones you love.
This solution will insure that your financial security remains in tact and net worth increases steadily.
It’s okay to be excited about wiping out all of your debts. Your ultimate solution will guarantee your future investments grow for years to come beyond the reach of almost all creditors.
With a little help, you can claim your rights guaranteed by the U.S. Cons ution and the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and perhaps avoid personal bankruptcy altogether. However, if you do file, demand the greatest benefits possible. If you pay the price, you deserve the benefits.
My net worth jumped from -$85,000 to +$38,000 in four months using personal bankruptcy and my debt payments dropped to nothing.
I didn’t know I could file both chapters, but Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy helped me pay off back taxes then I discharged remaining debts, all in less than a year.
Thanks Dave, your personal bankruptcy strategies saved me more than $19,000. Your worksheets and instructions were great.
By paying some of my bills the right way and ignoring others, I avoided Chapter 13 and discharged $42,498 in debt in less than 5 months. My total attorney fees were less than $800.
Using Dave Clark’s personal bankruptcy strategies, I saved more than $50,000 in wasted payments everyone else told me I had to make.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to file Chapter 13. You have options! You better check out all of your options first.
My IRS problems were killing me, but in only 14 months, all of my taxes are paid and I have more than $36,500 in savings with no debts.
Practicing law is not a science even though applying black-letter law. There is always a little room to maneuver when appearing in court, differences in attorney abilities, and small biases and preferences that influence each judge’s rulings.
Add a high level of experience over 25 years, and these opportunities become highly profitable and predictable. When you know an outcome in advance, you are not gambling, you are an expert with a decisive advantage. Experience is the key to exploiting these advantages.
You too could probably go to law school and practice law for 25 years. At this point, after representing over 10,000 clients, you too would know with a high degree of certainty what, when, and how to claim maximum advantages using both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
I graduated with a B.S. degree in Economics and a minor in Finance. I worked as bank examiner for several years before going to law school. Once graduating law school with honors in 1984, I accepted a job as an ociate in large metropolitan law firm and represented some of the wealthiest corporations in the U.S. and throughout the world. However, after seven years, a growing sense of disappointment haunted me daily.
I knew the attorneys representing large banks and corporations… Read more…
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