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When it feels like you’re spinning your wheels… when the struggle is alive and strong… even when you’re quietly convinced you and wealth will never know one another… it’s the thought that some millionaire could step in and make some money magic happen that both bothers you… and yet pushes you forward.
I’ve been on both sides. Earlier in life, I was dead-broke and unable to make any forward progress. Now, and for 30 years, I’ve been a millionaire, a well-researched expert on the millionaire mind, with decades of hands-on experience making wealth happen.
Today I want to give you the mind of that millionaire who already knows the fastest and easiest way to lead you to wealth.
The secret is in an unorthodox, yet scientifically-understood mind technology built on very simple truths we’d all agree on.
You can think of it like "reprogramming" your mind for wealth, "rewiring" your brain for wealth-on-demand.
Give me 5 minutes of your time, let me prove it to you, and I think you’ll easily "get it," just like those who have already started.
The millionaire’s mind is MUCH more than a head full of practical wealth blueprints, tricks, tactics, and strategies.
The source of a millionaire mind’s power to create wealth comes from a fusion of 4 powers: Mental power, intuitive power, emotional power, and soulful power
The kind of millionaire you want to be has these 4 powers deeply set in their millionaire’s mind. It’s the kind of millionaire who can jump into your shoes and make your path to wealth a reality in your life.
And if you want it for yourself, the "millionaire mind hack" I’m giving you today can hand you this millionaire mind.
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Let me just say it: I know the ins and outs of the millionaire mind like very few do. I made it my mission in life to "share the wealth." From my own experience, my 30 years of research, surrounded by an inner circle of astonishing millionaire minds, I can lay it all out for you, piece by piece.
So I partnered with a man who’s devoted his life to doing just that. I’m happy to call him a friend and colleague.
He holds a masters in Cognitive Psychology and a PhD in Education. He is considered the world’s foremost expert on Hypnotherapy with 25 years of hands-on experience, a master at Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a best-selling author, and a man with volumes of success stories.
But he’s not your ordinary hypnothe , or NLP expert, or cognitive psychologist. He’s a man devoted to the cutting-edge protocols that help individuals like you transform their mind into the mind they desire, in the easiest, most effective way possible.
If you want to rapidly reprogram your mind into the millionaire’s mind, you must put your conscious and subconscious mind into a place where it has no choice but to change.
And the science behind the brain shows us that a full immersion experience is, hands down, the fastest path to make significant transformation.
She was likely very intimidated with the task of learning the language. She might have felt like she wasn’t up to the task. Not a natural language learner.
It’s a basic survival instinct. It’s sink or swim. And in those moments, our minds can accomplish incredible feats.
You also see it in military bootcamps, language immersion elementary schools, even the prestigious Cornell University has a mandated full immersion business training.
The research is extensive: Over 40 research papers have been published supporting the power of full immersion techniques. Universities like Harvard, Cambridge, George Washington University, and MIT have devoted resources to studying, exploring, and evaluating full immersion training.
And using this core science, fused with Dr. Steve’s 7 reprogramming protocols and my millionaire’s mind blueprint, I am so proud to give you Wealth Trigger 360.
First, like all examples of full immersion, you’re going to be immersed in the millionaire’s mind morning, noon, and night… all day exposure. Yet, you’ll hardly notice it’s happening
Wealth Trigger 360 is a breakthrough system that you can use even as you’re living your everyday life.
To do this, Dr. Steve’s using 7 core protocols embedded in the 36 millionaire-mind audio reprogramming sessions.
All you do is put on headphones and press play. The technology does the rest. Now let’s look at how:
As I laid out before, giving you the fusion of the mental, intuitive, emotional, and soulful powers found inside the millionaire’s mind is what will give you the results I’m promising.
This is how you will be able to look at your life with new eyes, with… Read more…
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