success habits generator – successhabitsgenerator

success habits generator - successhabitsgenerator
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If you are sick and tired of limiting habits and inhibiting beliefs that get in the way of your success you need to read this page right now because……

 Now you can install within yourself the success habits of the most successful people and set your own success on auto-pilot

The Success Habits Generator instructs and asks you on a daily basis, in a pleasant though urgent way, to do what successful and happy people do all the time. This daily ritual focuses your conscious attention long enough to turn the necessary actions and answers into habits, your success habits. The process turns success sabotaging habits and limiting beliefs into released and automated power towards your desired life.

If you’re reading this page right now,  I ume you are looking for a new way to finally create your life the way you want it. I guess you have tried a lot of what is already offered everywhere but did not see real lasting results.

Maybe you are frustrated and don’t believe you are meant to succeed in realising your heart’s desires. Don’t give up! Don’t lower your standards, Even raise them!

I can relate to your story. I have been there too. It is that I found a way to let go of my limiting habits and beliefs and install success habits that things started to change.

No it’s not in a few minutes a day that you’ll be another person. No one can change his life without putting in the necessary energy, time and devotion. You just cannot turn around without effort. It defies the natural laws. People who promise you that just plain lie.

Of course will I continue with the program. It came to me just at the right time. How could it be otherwise! At daytime I used to take tablets to make me feel better and in the evening I swallowed tablets to be able to sleep peacefully. However, based on natural ingredients, but still … I woke up tired every morning and was dreaming fiercely. I experienced the busy day again at night. Actually I dragged myself through the day to get to bed exhausted, and also too tired to wake up again. Since I started the program I noticed that I forgot to take the tablets and do not really need them anymore. I wake up well rested and basically every day becoming a bit more energetic. My head is not all quiet yet …. I nearly had a burnout …. but at times when it becomes full in my head again just to do an exercise helps me to get back into the here and now and get a peaceful mind. I’m stronger and more energetic every day! If I read this back it sounds “too good to be true” but it is true!

My name is Ton Langelaan and I live in the Netherlands. Since 1991 I am very interested in personal development and behavioral change. Especially on the subject of the environment and sustainability I did a lot of research for our Government by (NLP*-) modeling people, and especially entrepreneurs, who behaved in a sustainable way.

(NLP* – neuro linguistic programming is a positive psychological approach with techniques and tools derived from the successful expert examples. Their habits, beliefs and mindsets are the ingredients for programming yourself for success.)

What I found was that people who were successful and behaved in an environmentally sound way had a certain mindset that caused them to be more successful, happy, whole, connected, and in balance. They lived from the standpoint ‘what you give you’ll receive back, multiplied’.

So I started to study happiness and success and I found a lot of great examples, experts, authors, speakers, trainers and coaches who covered the subject and were themselves very happy and successful . They all shared some patterns in their thinking and acting. And those are the ingredients for a recipe for success.

Because of the amazing results I found I started to share the new insights in schools and since the year 2007 we offer the Happiness Days at School.

Of course I used these recipes myself and it worked out really well. Within a year I turned my income from 35.000 euro’s into 160.000 euro’s. I couldn’t believe what I managed to do. Projects flew in and all went so smoothly it was awesome.

But somehow I started to feel uncomfortable with the new situation. How long would it last? Where did those projects came from? It felt like I had no control over it and I started to feel anxious and worried, completely forgetting the things that made me succeed in the first place.

And within two years I was back to… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Tuesday, October 14, 2014

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