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"We lost our beautiful daughter, Amber LeAnn, two years ago. She drowned in the pool during the Easter egg hunt. There were a lot of kids over and no one realized she was missing until it was too late."

"My son Colin died of an accidental prescription drug overdose and I am so lost without him. Please, is there anything you can do to help me with this terrible pain?"

"My Mom committed suicide two years ago. I have never cried about this. Is there something wrong with me?"

"Back To Life", our Personal Grief Guidebook, provides just the answers you are looking for. Here we take you by the hand and guide you gently through the dark maze known as bereavement.

You are likely here because you have experienced the horrible, painful loss of a loved one. And I am so very sorry for your loss. In your quest to find help with your grief, you may have come across some "quick fixes" offered over the Internet. Shame on them! What could be worse than taking advantage of someone who is grappling with a tragic loss in their life like you are? Sadly, there is no "quick fix" to grief, but there are more effective and comfortable ways to help mend your broken heart and lead you gently back to brighter days. You may be one of those people who would never seek professional help, or lean on a support group, or even cry on the shoulder of a trusted friend. Your grief is just too personal and painful to share openly. If that describes you, then this guidebook is sure to help you. In the privacy of your own home, you will learn all about the stages of grief and how to survive each one.

I realize that not all these techniques will help you… everyone’s grief is unique, and different coping styles and approaches will work for each person. But you are sure to find something here of great value to you on your bereavement journey. Written by an experienced critical care nurse and certified grief counselor, our excellent handbook will guide you through despair and help you learn to embrace hope and joy once again. This enlightened and comp ionate approach to grief recovery is sure to help lighten your heavy burden, leading you gently towards successful resolution… and back to life once again. Heartbroken from grief…

Back to Life is a comprehensive, quality bereavement handbook. It consists of 73 pages that explore many aspects of grief in detail. There are 19 chapters or "lessons", each addressing a different aspect of grief, a coping skill or a strategy for emotional survival:  

Chapter 1.  In the Beginning… Is this for real? Acknowledging your pain and accepting the reality of the death. One simple thing you can do when you feel overwhelmed. Physical signs and strange sensations you might experience. Chapter 2.  Tell Your Story- It’s normal to relive the events of the death and to tell your story many times over. Here’s two comforting ways you can tell your story again… when no one is around to listen. Chapter 3.  Indulge Your Grief- It’s important not to avoid or push grief away, especially in the beginning. Why your friends may try to distract you from your mourning; and how not to give in. Chapter 4.  Forgive Them- Why would someone say something that stupid and hurtful to me at a time like this? How to handle thoughtless visitors and avoid adding emotional baggage to your burden. Chapter 5.  Anger and Blame- So you are not mad about the death? Identifying hidden anger points and a simple exercise to help defuse this destructive emotion. Chapter 6.  Relief and Guilt-  Of course you wish things had gone differently, but do you really deserve to feel guilty? This chapter presents a tried-and-true technique for ending the Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda mind game forever. Chapter 7.  Celebrate a Life-  You’ll find it very the utic to create a memorial to your lost loved one. Here we present several project ideas to consider, as well as group activities to help other family members express their grief. Chapter 8.  An Academy Award Performance… Why are my friends starting to avoid me? How to reach out for the love and support you desperately need right now.

Chapter 9.  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly- It’s normal in grief to glorify your lost beloved. Learn why it is important later to explore the negatives, and an easy exercise to help you do so. Chapter 10.  Uh oh, Christmas is Coming… A recurrent theme we hear over and over…. how hard it is to deal with holidays and anniversaries. This chapter provides great strategies to help make those special days more bearable, even enjoyable. Chapter 11… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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