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Frieda was a young lady in her early 20’s. We were having dinner together with her husband one day. Suddenly she popped the question…
“How do I get over the fear of facing the audience? I get scared when I see many eyes staring at me. I want to voice my opinion, but somehow I’m tongue tied when I face a large crowd. Therefore, I normally keep my opinions to myself.”
Over the years, I’ve been faced with the same question by participants of my public speaking seminars. Their names change, their faces change but the question remains the same…“How do I get over the fear of facing the audience?”
If you are in the same boat, do not worry. I have researched many books, videos & interviewed many of my students to provide you numerous solutions to this issue.
When you purchase Fearless Public Speaking, you will discover why we fear speaking in public. This knowledge will help us understand ourselves and quickly overcome our apprehension during a verbal communication. You will also discover the various types of public speaking fears and how to convert your fears into your strengths.
Once you acquire the knowledge of this “fear factor”, then I will present you some effective fear management techniques such as how to drain excessive adrenalin out of your system. Boosting your “feel-good” factor by eating the right food will also be discussed. Not to forget effective breathing techniques too..
Moving on, we will discuss why it is important to know your stuff and do your homework prior to a public presentation. We will also talk about what precise research needs to be done. This good habit will propel you speaking glory and make you a successful orator.
Learn success visualization methods to motivate yourself and your audience. Once you know this secret technique, speaking with conviction, p ion and sincerity will come easily to you. You will gravitate towards becoming a confident and persuasive motivational speaker. In the process, I will impart with you how to get into the right frame of mind before a presentation.
In reading this book you will discover how to speak convincingly and the kind of topics to avoid. Building rapport with your audience will be a “walk-in-the-park” and you will no longer be scared of them. I will share on how to use the appropriate words to convert your ‘enemies’ into friends.
If you are an executive who needs to do a high powered professional presentation, no worries. I will share ideas on dressing to impress and how to rehearse your speech without over doing it. If a powerpoint presentation is part of your presentation, you will learn how to become the “master” of your presentation.
There is a topic on beta blockers and pills to calm your nerves as well. Will it really solve your problem? Well, you’ve got to read it to find out. Learn closely guarded secrets on what to do during a mental blackout. Apart from that, you will master the natural laws of good memory too.
Do you need to handle questions and answers in your workshop or seminar presentations? I’m sure you would. I will teach you the art & rules of handling a Q&A session. Once you know the elements of a good question and answer session, you will no longer be nervous or afraid of handling one.
Finally, I have proposed some further readings for you such as Dale Carnegie, Achim Nohawk and Cheryl Hamilton. This is to ensure that your lifelong desire to improve your public speaking skills are not short lived. May you allow the essential and fundamental knowledge of public speaking to permeate every cell of your being. Motivate yourself and your audience by brushing up your oral communication skills using the guidelines stated in this resourceful e-book.
This book focuses on the specific area of public speaking ie “Fear of Public Speaking” and will be a motivation to anyone. Your chapter on “Practice Makes Professionals” is perhaps the best part of the book.
World Award Winner in Public Speaking 1993 – Toastmasters World Taped Speech Champion 2008 – Ist Runner up Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking Author – The Silent Workshop of World Champions
Robert Ram writes as an insider – one who has mastered the art of public speaking through experience. Being an accomplished speaker himself, Robert understands the internal turmoil and fears of a speaker. Unlike many public speaking books, which are technical in nature, Robert provides a fresh perspective – public speaking as an expression of human connection.
On the essence of public speaking – “Public speaking is, after all an emotional connection between speaker, audience and subject” On the ‘unfounded’ fear of people – “In the overwhelming majority of cases, you are standing… Read more…
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