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Are You Finding no matter what you do that you just can’t get over or past a relationship? Are you still finding yourself going back either physically or emotionally trying to find resolution or closure?

It may be that you have been involved with someone who is a narcissist or has narcissistic personality disorder.

It begins with a feeling that something just isn’t right in your life. You may suspect your mate or significant other, but you can’t be sure!

Narcissism effects the victim on a very deep soul level. It is a type of "soul " that leaves the victim feeling very violated on many levels.

Not only might you be feeling a deep sense of violation but you might also be feeling as if something has been taken from you. That is because something has been taken!

Over a period of time you have unconsciously been giving away pieces of your soul until you feel there is not much left. You are left feeling empty, used, and discarded like a worn out shoe.

Psychology focuses on healing the wounded inner child, increasing your feelings of self-worth and other modalities to help you with the mental and emotional aspects of abuse and recovery.

Spiritual Healing is "of the spirit!" It is the process of working with the life-force energy within you; the part of you that feels p ion, excitement, hope, promise and all those things you likely felt at the beginning of your relationship with a narcissist!

The goal is to get yourself back! Your Life-force doesn’t and never did belong to the narcissist in your life!

We can spend our energy delving into our past, talking about our parents, our inner wounded child, our past relationships, issues of self-esteem and self-worth and all of it will mean nothing if you are still psychically attached to the narcissist. This could be your problem.

My name is Kaleah LaRoche and I have gone through two long-term relationships with two different men whom I believe had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I have been to the bottom of the barrel, feeling completely depleted of my life-force energy and my desire to live. I have suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Long-Term Depression.

I tried a lot of things to get over my symptoms and take back my power but realize the normal methods for releasing a relationship didn’t work.

When I was in my early twenties I was in a physically abusive relationship and when I finally found my strength to leave I was so glad to be out of there. I didn’t question myself or doubt myself because the evidence was right in front of my face. He was obviously abusive.

But with the narcissistic relationship I was filled with self-doubt and uncertainty. Although I eventually left each relationship I still struggled with the self-doubt and under lying feelings of low self-worth.

I went from taking three years to recover from a three year narcissistic relationship to less than six months to recover from a four year narcissistic relationship.

By the time I left the second relationship I had the tools and I knew what to do to heal and get myself back. I was able to recover in record time and move on to have a successful healthy relationship right away.

I learned how to become narcissism proof! So I would no longer attract that energy into my life, or be attracted to it!

I learned how to identify the psychic abuse that had taken place and stop any further psychic attacks.

I learned powerful tools to get my soul back and protect myself from further psychic soul intrusion.

This may sound strange or "woo woo" to you, however, the psychic cord, or invisible energy stream, between you and the narcissist is very real! It is the continuation of this psychic energy stream after the relationship has ended that keeps you engaged with that person.

Out of my experiences I was internally guided to write what I had learned so that others could save valuable time in their own recovery.

"Spiritual Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse" is a powerful E-book available immediately for Instant Download so you can begin taking the necessary steps to get your life back, right away!

"Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse" is 100 pages of important "transforming" information to help you begin taking the right action today, that will empower you and change your life!

You don’t have to take my word for how this book can help you get back on track with your life. Here are what some of the readers have to say:

"Just to let you know that I bought your E book on Spiritual recovery and you have no idea how… Read more…

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Ditulis oleh: admin - Sunday, October 12, 2014


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